In Conversation with Dyutima Jha

By: The Gup Cup
Nov1, 2023

Career changes aren’t that uncommon these days. The decision is usually rooted in an unhappy work profile, incompetent pay-check, long working hours, a restrictive life, or maybe everything together.


But what happens when it’s none of the above? 


What happens when you go from a profession, that you have been putting your soul into, to another that is in a different direction altogether? 


Meet Dyutima Jha, an architect turned food photographer and stylist. 


(Guppuccino with Dyutima Jha)


Despite no logo, no watermark, the visual brand that she has built for herself, every photograph she takes can never be mistaken for anyone else’s. 


When I asked her about the first childhood memory she had using a camera, her answer left me speechless for a few seconds. “None. I never held a camera as a child.”


Why food photography? “If anything has to do with my childhood, it’s food. So many memories.” And that’s what her lens is busy capturing.


Unlike most entrepreneurs, her struggle was not really about ‘how to run a business or how to get a client’. It was an internal struggle of letting go of her identity of being an architect and accepting the new her.  


Listen to the latest episode of Guppuccino, as Dyutima Jha shares her journey from becoming an architect, designing hospitals to now styling food that will leave you hungry!



Tune in to the full podcast and on Spotify, Apple Podcast or Google Podcast 

You can also watch it on Youtube

More: Guppuccino Season 1 | On Spotify

More: GupShup (brewing conversation with real-life heroes)

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By The Gup Cup

A storytelling platform where we chitchat with real life heroes, have a hot cuppa with them, listen to their stories and then package them for you.

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