Our Services

The foundation to all that we do is creativity and we carry this tag with a sense of pride and responsibility. 


While it is our key ingredient, it is the scoops of reality and madness, and of course that final sprinkle of aesthetics, that add a special kick


We make sure our signature cuppa lets you put your feet up, as you sit & sip to simple moments.


As you adapt to digital experiences, you will experience a 

turnover in the way you communicate with the world.

On personal & professional front. 

Everywhere & Everytime.


Professional Videos

- People are spending an average of 19 hours a week, watching videos online

- Almost a billion Pinterest videos are viewed in a day

- Videos attract higher traffic, making people spend more time on your page

As storytellers we create video strategies, which incorporate an understanding of the viewers and your goals. This understanding is then used as a foundation to weave stories with tight script and fast moving storyline. The process involves photo / video shooting, editing and packaging to create a short but snappy films.

Package Starting @ $200


Personalised Videos

What is common between a solo adventure, a small get-together, a big trip or simply a special day? Your phone exploding with endless photos and videos that you have taken, in a bid to hold on to those priceless moments.

But do you go back to it frequently? Quite frankly, our busy lives don't give us that bandwidth too often.

At TheGupCup, we use our innate visual storytelling skills to create crisp, short videos from your many memories. Something that you will be able to play over and again.

Anytime. Anywhere.

Package Starting @ $225


Personalised Book

Everyone has a story. With heroes. With smiles. With tears. With Pain. With laughter. And many incidences - big or small - but certainly special. Sometimes with an ending. Sometimes with a new beginning. Other times it's an ongoing journey.

Ever tried capturing your own? You may flip through photographs or watch video snippets. But how do you bring to life those thoughts and the emotions that weren't captured?

TheGupCup is woven around the idea of hearing and sharing stories. We take the episodes from your life, wrap it in our words and seal it in a book. A book about you.

Package Starting @ $150


Bespoke Verse

Imagine standing on a mountain peak. Or a long empty beach, if that’s what you fancy. Wind blowing into your face. Arms spread out. Living the moment. Then you hear a beautiful background tune and flow of words, describing you. The Real You. Or Your Favourite Person.

We at TheGupCup carefully find the right words and weave them around your emotions to pen a pure customised poems.

Package Starting @ $50


Workshops & Networking

TheGupCup was inspired by the age-old tradition of evening teatime, where people come together, and chit-chat over their favourite tea (or coffee).

Every time we design our small-group workshops and networking events, we make sure they are soaked in the traditional essence - becoming a platform that brings together people from diverse background, around a cosy table, with a hot cuppa and good conversation.

Sign up for our newsletter to get regular information about our upcoming events/workshops. If you are looking for some customised conversations, let’s Gup!

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Connections. Conversations. Cuppa.