Guppuccino Ep 1: Neti, A Must-Do Morning Routine

By: The Gup Cup
Feb23, 2023

One thing is for sure, each one of us has a morning routine. Some wake up, put on their exercise clothes and step out for a dose of exercise. Others drag themselves to the couch and sip on caffeine, in order to get functional.


By practicing these basic tasks in the same order over and over again, we end up with a belief, “this is what works for me.” At a time when words like ‘wellness’, ‘positivity’, ‘happiness’, figure everywhere we look around, we very well know that a healthy morning routine has benefits – both psychologically and physically.


In our first episode of Guppuccino, we speak to Bindiya Lachmandas, an ayurvedic therapist practitioner. She introduces us to some of the basic ayurvedic dinacharya, or the daily ritual of self-care mentioned in the Ayurveda.



Ayurvedic dinacharya has been practiced for over thousands of years and it is a complete healing system known to make a huge difference to the quality of life.


So sit back, get your hot cuppa and hear our GUPpuccino with Bindiya and get equipped to transform your physical and emotional health.


[NOTE: Guppuccino with Aprajita can also be heard on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast.]




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By The Gup Cup

A storytelling platform where we chitchat with real life heroes, have a hot cuppa with them, listen to their stories and then package them for you.

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