Your Period SuperPower (Pt 2)

By: The Gup Cup
Jan19, 2024

According to a traditional Native American saying, “At her first bleeding a woman meets her power. During her bleeding years she practices it. At menopause she becomes it.”


That is the power of a woman’s menstrual cycle and all she needs to do is tap into and understand her body clock, sync it with her weekly planner.


In the second and final part of the two-part series of this Guppuccino, Sahana Paradkar Ray, tells us about the four phases of menstruation, the strengths of each phase and how every woman can harness the power of the hormones and use each phase to their advantage! Watch the full episode now.


(In Conversation with Sahana Paradkar Ray)



Phase 1: Menstruating Phase

It is the calming period, when a woman needs to slow down. It’s a great time to tap into her intuitions, take time out for introspection, and practice self-care.


Phase 2: Pre-Ovulation Phase

This is a super high-energy phase, when a woman is in her ‘go getter’ mode. After the self-reflection in the previous phase, she steps out of her hibernation with confidence and is ready to take actions.


Phase 3: Ovulation Phase

The energy level peaks in this phase and a woman will see an increase in her efficiency and productivity. She’ll also feel affectionate and experience enhanced communications skills. She will turn into a social butterfly, ready to overbook her calendar!


Phase 4: Premenstrual Phase

A sharp decrease in energy also leads to a sharp U-turn in the personality a woman had just in the previous phase. She gets sensitive to criticism and may seem very detached and withdrawn. However, her intuitions are once again very powerful and the introspection mode will give a lot of clarity. It’s a great time for her to work on her inner self .


“It’s more like my personal planner that helps me understand the most optimal times each with their unique strengths to help me make the most of it to my best advantage,” adds Sahana.


She strongly feels that this understanding is a beautiful way to honour one’s cycles. Staying attuned to your body is one of the ways to practice mindfulness. 


However, she also feels that it is essential for every woman to experience this to really believe in it. “Ultimately I wouldn’t buy any theory without testing it on myself, so I would say – ‘Try it before you buy it or rather try it before you deny it’.”


Dedicated to holistic wellbeing, Sahana Paradkar Ray, is a yoga teacher, specialising in pre-natal, postpartum and active birthing. Watch the full episode now.


Tune in to the full podcast and on Spotify, Apple Podcast or Google Podcast 

You can also watch it on Youtube

More: Guppuccino Season 1 | On Spotify

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